Breaking Barriers: Desjardins Entreprises' Innovative Turnaround

Desjardins Entreprises' journey of transformation unfolds in 'ENSEMBLE: Colloque de la force de vente Entreprise', a beacon of innovation and unity, steering a traditional organization towards a dynamic future.








Desjardins Entreprises embarked on a transformative journey, aiming to evolve from a conservative culture to one of innovation and adaptability. This shift was set against a backdrop of rapid changes in the business world, demanding a strategic and dynamic approach.

The turning point was "ENSEMBLE: Colloque de la force de vente Entreprise," a meticulously planned event that marked a significant departure from traditional corporate gatherings. It was designed not just as an event but as a catalyst for change, engaging over 1000 directors and executives in a narrative of transformation.

The event featured an immersive journey through the organization's history, interactive workshops, and visionary discussions. These elements were carefully crafted to inspire and mobilize participants, encouraging them to contribute actively to the organization's evolving story.

As a result, Desjardins Entreprises not only gained a new perspective but also embraced a commitment to innovation and progress. This journey from a conventional approach to a culture brimming with innovative ideas showcases the profound impact of strategic events in shaping organizational ethos.



To catalyze a cultural transformation within Desjardins Entreprises, shifting from a traditional, conservative approach to a dynamic, innovation-driven ethos. This strategic objective aimed to equip the organization to better navigate and thrive in a rapidly evolving business landscape.


Amidst an ongoing cultural shift towards innovation, the challenge for Desjardins Entreprises lay in achieving full-scale buy-in and cohesion across its vast network of over 1000 directors and executives. The task was to ensure that every member of the organization not only understood but also actively embraced and contributed to this new direction, bridging any gaps between varying levels of acceptance and enthusiasm for the change.


Desjardins Entreprises adopted a multifaceted strategy to galvanize its workforce around the cultural shift. Central to this approach was the "ENSEMBLE: Colloque de la force de vente Entreprise" event, designed to be more than just a conference. It was an experiential journey, meticulously crafted to engage, inspire, and mobilize the entire leadership. The event combined historical insights, interactive workshops, and forward-thinking discussions, creating a platform where executives could not only learn about but also actively participate in shaping the organization's future. This strategy was about creating a shared experience that resonated with every attendee, fostering a sense of unity and purpose towards the new organizational direction.

Like chemists, we combine elements with precision, creating reactions that transform vision into tangible, sparkling success.

In the delicate dance of elements and reactions, our strategies and executions are the catalysts that spur momentum toward achievement.


Collective learning board builded up by participants
Speakers participating into an interactive workshop and learning experience
Branded workshop
Plenery room
Plenary room
Audience being immerse within the time traveling thematic
1000 bank account executives converging to the colloque entrance
Plenary room
Colloque identity
Digital workshop material
Event landing page and interactive content


The strategic initiative culminated in a resounding success. The "ENSEMBLE: Colloque de la force de vente Entreprise" event not only achieved widespread engagement among the leadership but also marked a significant milestone in the cultural transformation journey of Desjardins Entreprises. Post-event feedback indicated a heightened sense of unity and commitment to innovation across the organization. Leaders emerged more aligned with the new direction, demonstrating an increased willingness to embrace change and drive innovation. This event set a precedent for future initiatives, establishing a new benchmark for organizational engagement and cultural evolution at Desjardins Entreprises.